
Web Application

The toolkit is hooked up to a web application at No installation is required to use this, just a reasonably modern web browser.

Local Install

Local installation provides greater flexibility and a slicker experience. It also removes reliance on the continued provision of the web application.

A Python interpreter with version 3.11 or newer is required to run the tools locally.

For Linux users, this will almost certainly be pre-installed. The graphical interface uses the tkinter module, which some distributions don’t install by default; you may need to install this with your package manager if you wish to use the graphical interface.

Windows users can install a Python Interpreter using the Microsoft Store – just search for “Python” and ensure the provider is the Python Software Foundation.

Mac users should visit to download an installer.

Installation with pip

If you are familiar with pip, efjtk is available from PyPi. Install with your favourite variation of:

pip install efjtk

This installs two entry points, efj for command line use and efjgui to run the graphical interface. Note pip’s warning to adjust your PATH environmental variable if installing on Windows with the Microsoft Store version of the Python interpreter.

Single file install

The graphical interface can be installed by downloading and copying to a location of your choosing.

Windows users can just double click on this to run it. Linux and Mac users need to set the executable permission on the file and can then run it as they would any other script.

Uninstalling just requires deleting the file and deleting the files .efjtkrc and .efjtkguirc from your home/user directory if they exist. You can also delete the cache directory, .shiv at any time — this is also found in your home/user directory and is used to reduce startup time.